G4 Mini

Guided Ultrasonics Limited (GUL) produces a series of Wavemaker® instruments. The Wavemaker® G4 Mini Full is the current version of the instrument that we recommend to most of our clients. For clients that have a limited budget or only want to collect data from gPIMS sensors, the G4 Mini Base and the gPIMS Mini Collector are also available.

G4 Mini Full​

The latest Wavemaker® G4 Mini offers all of the traditional Wavemaker® features and some new ones in a small (22 x 30 x 13cm) and lightweight (4.5 kg) package.

This fully loaded instrument is capable of working with all of the pipe and tube transduction systems produced by GUL. It is suitable for both the lower frequencies that are used for buried and coated pipes and the higher frequencies that are used with HD rings for support inspection and higher sensitivity to pitting. With one press of a button, the instrument can be placed into gPIMS Collector mode to allow a minimally trained operator to collect repeat data from a permanently installed gPIMS sensor.

The instrument contains 16 channels; therefore you will need a pair of channel reducers when joining EFC or HD inflatable rings together to collect data on very large diameter pipes.

G4 Mini Base

The G4 Mini Base is an entry level Wavemaker® G4mini instrument that has been optimised for cost and is suitable for routine aboveground inspection scenarios. It is a good instrument for companies that are new to guided wave testing and have a limited budget.


The G4 Mini Base is compatible with the default ‘Solid’, ‘Compact’, ‘EFC’, and ‘High Temperature’ rings that are normally used for screening both insulated and uninsulated above ground pipes to detect areas of corrosion.


Please note that the base configuration does not support collections from (permanently installed) gPIMS sensors, the low-frequency settings of wide frequency modules, or high-frequency HD modules. In addition, the maximum sampling range limited to 20m (on either side of the ring). Expansion packages that can add support for these items are available; alternatively, advanced users may want to consider the G4 Mini Full as it comes with all of the expansion packages loaded from the beginning (for the additional cost of approximately two expansion packages).

gPIMS Mini Collector

The permanently installed gPIMS sensor rings are often installed in high risk and consequence areas that are difficult to access. The initial installation and pipe inspection are performed by a fully qualified inspector, who is able to classify the results, document the exiting features in the pipe, and set the optimal collection parameters for the inspections. However, once this initial inspection is complete, repeat inspections can simply be performed by plugging the instrument into the sensor’s connection box and triggering the automatic collection sequence (which typically takes less than 5 minutes to complete).


The gPIMS® Mini collector is a dedicated instrument that can be used by operators with minimal training to perform the repeat collections. The data that the instrument collects can be uploaded to a central location where a qualified inspector can access the data, compare it to the previous data (using specially developed comparison software), and efficiently generate the required reports.


The gPIMS Mini collectors are very portable and less expensive than a generic G4 Mini (upon which they are based). They are often used to gather data from gPIMS located in remote locations where the cost of access by a qualified inspector is very high. The operator of the instrument used to collect the data can be someone who is already there performing some other maintenance task.

Technical Data

The following is Technical Data and Case study of G4 Mini

Case Study

The advantage of Guided Wave is to rapidly inspect long lengths of pipeline.
The inspection can cover 100% coverage of the pipe within the test range: circumferentially, longitudinally, as well as specify the defect location. The following object is typical example how to use G4 Mini but other objects are also possible.

Please contact us about your inspection problem.

Product Information Sheet